
This notebook can be downloaded here: 00_Introduction_Panda.ipynb

Introduction to the Pandas module

Code author: Emile Roux

RISE Slideshow


This notebook gives some key functions to work with data base using the panda module (

The web gives you a lot of exemples and documentations on this module:

%load_ext autoreload
%matplotlib nbagg
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

Load data and creat a dataframe from csv file

More explaination can be found here :

df = pd.read_csv('./_DATA/Note_csv.csv',delimiter=";")

Display the dataframe

# return the beginning of the dataframe
section groupe name ET CC
0 MM A ami 14.5 11.75
1 MM A joyce 8.5 11.50
2 MM C lola 9.5 13.25
3 MM B irma 7.5 6.00
4 IAI D florence 14.5 13.25
# return the end of the dataframe
section groupe name ET CC
90 MM A james 13.75 12.75
91 IAI D richard 15.25 7.00
92 MM A caprice 18.25 15.00
93 IAI D al 12.50 9.75
94 MM B constance 3.00 7.00

Selecting data in a dataframe

 # get data from index 2
section       MM
groupe         C
name        lola
ET           9.5
CC         13.25
Name: 2, dtype: object
# get name from index 2[2]
# Sliccing is also working[2:6]
2        lola
3        irma
4    florence
5          vi
Name: name, dtype: object

Get one of row of the dataframe
0             ami
1           joyce
2            lola
3            irma
4        florence
5              vi
6           brian
7      antoinette
8            fred
9          gaston
10         samuel
11         arnaud
12          annie
13      roosevelt
14          sarah
15          simon
16          louis
17             an
18        jacques
19        charles
20         sigrid
21          lasse
22           king
23          marco
24        patrick
25            liv
26          diane
27           bill
28        jessica
29         gilles
65        jeannot
66        fernand
67           lise
68         ursula
69           dona
70      dominique
71         platon
72          eugen
73          pedro
74            bob
75        marquis
76          j곩mie
77           karl
78       lucienne
79    timothꥻ4.75
80           avis
81           mari
82           rose
83         porter
84       philippe
85            vin
86       jeunesse
87       victoire
88         joseph
89            fꭩx
90          james
91        richard
92        caprice
93             al
94      constance
Name: name, Length: 95, dtype: object

Get the number of student in groupe A and B

B    25
A    24
D    23
C    23
Name: groupe, dtype: int64

Get the proportion of student between groupe A and B

B    0.263158
A    0.252632
D    0.242105
C    0.242105
Name: groupe, dtype: float64

Display the proportion of student between groupe A and B

*Using the plot function of panda:*

visualization optin of pandas can be found here :

fig = plt.figure()
df.groupe.value_counts(normalize=True).plot.pie(labels=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], colors= ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y'], autopct='%.1f')
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

*Using the plot function of matplotlib:*

val = df.groupe.value_counts(normalize=True).values
explode = (0.1, 0, 0, 0)
labels = 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.pie(val, explode=explode, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',
        shadow=True, startangle=90)
ax1.axis('equal')  # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Get student list who are in groupe A

section groupe name ET CC
0 MM A ami 14.50 11.75
1 MM A joyce 8.50 11.50
23 MM A marco 12.50 13.00
27 MM A bill 11.00 12.75
28 MM A jessica 16.50 12.50
37 MM A denis 13.25 16.00
38 MM A jenny 12.75 17.50
40 MM A christian 12.50 12.50
43 MM A rita 13.75 8.50
44 MM A orlando 14.00 15.25
48 MM A chant 4.50 9.00
50 MM A val 15.00 11.25
53 MM A ana 15.00 13.50
59 MM A clarisse 12.50 13.50
63 MM A isabelle 14.00 7.50
65 MM A jeannot 14.75 14.00
66 MM A fernand 8.00 10.00
75 MM A marquis 8.50 13.00
85 MM A vin 11.00 13.00
86 MM A jeunesse 12.00 10.50
87 MM A victoire 11.75 12.00
89 MM A fꭩx 13.00 14.50
90 MM A james 13.75 12.75
92 MM A caprice 18.25 15.00

Make calulation on data

df.ET.mean() # the mean of ET note over all student
df.ET[df.groupe=="A"].mean() # the mean of note1 over student from A groupe
df.groupby(['groupe']).mean() # compte the mean of each note for each groupe
A 12.552083 12.531250
B 9.720000 10.093750
C 10.630435 11.913043
D 11.345238 9.076087
df.groupby(['section']).mean() # compte the mean of each note for each section
IAI 10.804688 9.786765
MM 11.168033 11.550000

Display the notes with a histogram plot

# CC notes
fig = plt.figure()
df.CC.plot.hist(alpha=0.5, bins=np.arange(1,20))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
# ET notes
fig = plt.figure()
df.ET.plot.hist(alpha=0.5, bins=np.arange(1,20))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
fig = plt.figure()
df.plot.hist(alpha=.5, bins=np.arange(1,20))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Let’s compute the mean of both notes

We need first to add a new row to a data frame

df["FinalNote"] = 0.0 # add  row filled with 0.0
section groupe name ET CC FinalNote
0 MM A ami 14.5 11.75 0.0
1 MM A joyce 8.5 11.50 0.0
2 MM C lola 9.5 13.25 0.0
3 MM B irma 7.5 6.00 0.0
4 IAI D florence 14.5 13.25 0.0

Let’s compute the mean

# the axis option alows comptuting the mean over lines or rows
section groupe name ET CC FinalNote
0 MM A ami 14.5 11.75 8.750000
1 MM A joyce 8.5 11.50 6.666667
2 MM C lola 9.5 13.25 7.583333
3 MM B irma 7.5 6.00 4.500000
4 IAI D florence 14.5 13.25 9.250000
fig = plt.figure()
df.FinalNote.plot.hist(alpha=0.5, bins=np.arange(1,20))
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

What is the overall mean ?
